Product Recs: The Il Makiage Foundation & Concealer

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The group LOVES Il Makiage products! I first tried them after being shown targeted ads, and I was blown away when I used them. See screenshots of the reviews for the foundation after I introduced it the very first time – I was surprised that so many people had tried it (amazing marketing at their end), but not at all surprised by how well-received it was!

Woke Up Like This Foundation

This flagship foundation is game-changing! So lightweight and brings me as close to looking airbrushed and flawless as is possible with my very flawed skin. Before, I never used to wear foundation and after discovering this, I went through a period when I wore it every day, and now, it’s maybe 40% of the time – usually whenever I’m doing anything more than just hanging around my house and picking up my child from school!

Find your shade first, and follow the process outlined below.

The process

They make you take a shade quiz that pinpoints or gets close to pinpointing your shade. Then they send you a free full-sized bottle, you only have to pay a 5$ shipping fee. If you decide to keep it, then you are charged the full price ($45).

In my case, my first shade match (115) was not perfect. I emailed customer service with a photo, which helped them steer me towards a better match. They let me keep my first bottle for free and sent me a second shade (120). That was not a perfect match either, though it worked much better than the first. They let me keep that for free when I tried the next shade (125). I eventually ended up mixing Shade 120 with Shade 125 to come up with the perfect blend for me. It makes SUCH a big difference!
This company gives you lots of freebies and coupons (like an extra coupon if their shipping is delayed for example), and their customer service is amazing. One bottle should last you for a few months at least, and this is worth the money!

F*ck I’m Flawless Concealer

I tried this only recently, and I’m kicking myself for not trying years ago! I have terrible dark circles, so I always use concealer. It’s not like other concealers by other brands don’t work — this just works a little bit better, in that it’s great coverage, AND it’s still working 8 hours later, by which time many other concealers (I’ve tried a few brands) have worn off.

My foundation shade is a mix of Shade 120 and 125, though I can also get away with just 125. As per CS, who you can always email, Concealer shade 8 matches Foundation Shade 120, while concealer shade 9 matches Foundation shade 125. I tried 9, and it works great!

No Filter Primer

I have not bought this yet (sitting in my cart), but I’ve heard great things from a few audience members!

If you buy this foundation, I highly recommend also getting these oil-blotting sheets. It seriously elevates the final look, really perfecting the blending.

How to use: After I apply the foundation, I use these sheets to sop up any excess, to give me a clear, matte, as-close-to-airbrushed-as-my-imperfect-skin-can-manage look!

I’m not the only person to think this product is amazing – this one gets over 15,000 reviews on Amazon!

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